Saturday, November 30, 2013

Its December 2013, in 5 months and a day i will be 20. Twenty years old. Just the thought of this, leaving my teenage years behind, is making me question my existence. What have i done with my life? Was it 19 years of nothing? Just going to school and coming back, battling the universal war of homework and TV? Have i done anything worthwhile? I think the answer is no. Although my mother argues that i have acquired knowledge, i don't think that really counts.

But why? This is because of certain limitations, boundaries set by my conservative parents who are in constant fear that i might get kidnapped, raped, sold into slavery or something of that sinister nature. Not that i say it doesn't happen. It does and that is dreadful. I respect their concerns. But some things don't need to be thought of so seriously don't you think? or maybe it should. what do i know , i'm not even 20 yet.

Here's the thing though. i don't want to be the kind of person that sits in the background and cheers . I want to be the person on the field, playing the game. I want to be the quarterback. All my (19 year) life i have been the person sitting in the sidelines, because of these boundaries that were set. That made me shy and too scared to be who I actually wanted to be. I want to be the best in what i do. I want people to be amazed at me. I want my parents to be proud of me. I want to have a job that makes me happy. I want to travel the world and experience new things.I want to make a difference. I dream big. The rest of my family doesn't understand these dreams of mine, so they don't take it seriously. Its quite disheartening actually, but nevertheless I will never give up on my dreams. In all my inexperienced 19 years if i have learned anything, one of it would be to never give up on your dreams. So here i am. aspiring to be the best. Hoping and praying that someday, soon enough, i'll be able to lift my head and smile at the world and say, I made a difference, I achieved my dream.

For those who are thinking, this has NOTHING to do with "Wanderlust". It does. it has everything to do with it. Because travelling the world is by far my biggest dream, and even though its currently a mahoosive luxury that i can't afford, I will be able to , as i said earlier in this post, someday, soon enough .

Thanks for reading! Please leave your comments. Let me know what you guys think! Don't be mean, but be honest! Thanks again! Have an awesome day/night :)

Azzi xx